Nueva España 2015
A women’s singing group drawn from the vibrant Haitian and Haitian-American community of Greater Boston, Les Fleurs des Caraïbes have been an important part of Camerata’s New World musical productions for a generation. Their unique Afro-Caribbean sound, much admired, even to the point of emulation by other ensembles, brings to our concerts and recordings a vigorous evocation of the “close encounters” that make our hemisphere such a unique and fertile place. The guiding spirit of Les Fleurs is Reynette Estelien, who has been singing with Camerata since her teen years. Renette was born in Haiti and moved to the U.S. at the age of 17. A member of the Mount Olive Baptist Church in Hyde Park, she is married and has 3 children. In addition to singing with Les Fleurs des Caraïbes, she enjoys cooking and traveling and works as a Drug Discovery Researcher.