
Like minstrels of all ages, The Boston Camerata relies on the generosity of friends and patrons to keep the music coming. Our performing and teaching activities could never reach their full potential without your help. Please consider becoming a part of our musical community.

Your tax-deductible contribution of money or stock will be acknowledged in our programs and in other ways. You may make an unrestricted gift of any size, large or small, and you will be loved and even serenaded in return. Below you will find how to give to us, information on Earmarking, and the Camerata Donor’s Circle-levels of supporting us.

Give via check

If donating by check, please make it payable to “The Boston Camerata” and send it to:

The Boston Camerata
P.O. Box 120751
Boston, MA 02112

Donate Stock

We can accept a gift of stock, either in stock certificates or by electronic transfer. For more information on how to do this, please contact us.

Estate Planning

We are glad to help you in estate planning, should you wish to consider a bequest to Camerata in your will. Please contact us.

Contact us for more information on donating to us.

If you wish, you may earmark your contribution towards a special need/project.

Underwriting a concert season

For larger contributors, a named concert opportunity is available. A sponsorship of $5,000 will make you the ‘producer’ of one of these popular, high-profile concert events. In addition to 100% tax deductibility of their gift, sponsors receive:

  • Concert program title page credit
  • Four complimentary tickets to the concert
  • VIP premiere seating
  • The opportunity to meet members of the Ensemble,
    the Board of Directors, and Artistic Director Anne Azéma after the concert.


We have established a fund to help underwrite Camerata’s new CD and media projects.


As we build links with area institutions, we welcome help developing projects in this essential area.

Contact us for more information on Earmarking your gift.

Our appreciation shows when you help to support us. Please contact us with any questions about how we are recognizing donors during the pandemic.

Donors (under $60) and Friends ($60-$99):

  • Acknowledgement in the program and on the website (all donors will receive this acknowledgement)

Associates ($100-$249):

  • Free CD, signed by artists of the Boston Camerata

Contributors ($250-$499):

  • Free companion ticket

Patrons ($500-$999):

  • Invitation to a rehearsal

Sustainers ($1,000-$4,999):

  • Invitation to a rehearsal and private post-concert reception with the artists

Benefactors ($5,000-$9,999):

  • All of the above, plus named concert opportunity, VIP premier seating, 4 complimentary tickets to the named concert

Underwriters (over $10,000):

  • All of the above, plus named concert and project opportunity, open invitation to rehearsals, private post-concert reception with the artists, private small dinner party and concert

Contact us for more information on the levels of supporting us.