
A Meditative Moment for the Weekend

Photo by Peter Torpey

We invite you to take a minute (two-and-a-half, actually) to relax and listen to this sneak peek into last week’s recording session: a raw take of the sublime Por nos virgen Madre from the Cantigas de Santa María by King Alfonso el Sabio of Castile (1221-1284). Anne Azéma is the soloist, accompanied by Christa Patton on harp; the sound engineer is our own David Griesinger.

For us, Virgin Mother, pray to God, your Father, Son and friend.
Pray to God that he help us, Pray to Him, since He is your Son and friend, pray to Him, since He is your Son and friend.
Pray that he protect us because He is without fault, your Son and friend, since He is without fault, your Son and friend.
For us, Virgin Mother, pray to God, your Father, Son and friend.

Creating Beauty in a Challenging Time

Our healing mission is to bring music into the world. And so, Camerata’s Christmas CD project got underway last week, recording a few medieval sacred songs with the requisite partitions, masks, ventilation, and sanitation. None of this prevented the music from soaring — in fact, the increased difficulty may have even inspired the performers to higher achievement. You will judge for yourself when you hear the takes. We were also energized by the beautiful acoustic of Holy Family Parish Church, Amesbury, MA.

Thanks to our wonderful team: Anne Azéma, Joel Cohen, David Griesinger, Camila Parias, Christa Patton, Caitlin Laird, and Peter Torpey.

Our next newsletter will feature a sneak preview of the music. Stay tuned!


A Warning to Tyrants … from 1776!

Let tyrants shake their iron rod,
And Slav’ry clank her galling chains,
We fear them not!
Thus sang the American revolutionaries as they engaged with – and overcame – the forces of oppression. This 4th of July weekend, we send you this stirring song, by Boston’s own William Billings, as a reminder of what is at stake in the coming weeks and months. Take heart, and enjoy!

Click here for more music from Free America! (Harmonia Mundi, 2019)

Camerata Announces 2020 Dido Cast!

Even as we are buffeted by the tempests of contemporary history, our need for the guidance and consolation of great art continues! We invite you to our autumn 2020 production of Henry Purcell’s only true opera, Dido and Aeneas. This intensely powerful work distills the emotions inherent in the ancient story, as rapidly alternating feelings of hope, disquiet, rejoicing, and mortal sorrow vie for their places in our modern-day hearts.

Dido, Queen of Carthage
Tahanee Aluwihare
Aeneas, a Trojan Prince
Luke Scott
Belinda, Dido’s confidant
Camila Parias

The Sorceress
Jordan Weatherston Pitts

At Camerata, we are hard at work during this early summer, imagining how we will share this powerful narrative in music with you, our public. Our Dido 2020 will be staged by Anne Azéma, with lighting and multimedia by Peter Torpey. As of today, we can safely share that we intend to present a mixed cast of live musicians on stage (vocal soloists and an instrumental ensemble led by Sarah Darling, first violin) augmented by the participation of remote singers. CDC permitting, you will be able to join us in the hall (under strict sanitation guidance) if wished, or remotely, in the safety and comfort of your own homes if you prefer. Details to be provided as soon as possible.

Here is the Entr’acte to Act II of Dido and Aeneas from Camerata’s 1979 recording, a moment of calm for your Friday and your weekend! The flute soloist is the late Nancy Joyce Roth.