
Songs for Peace and Healing

Agnus Dei (Gregorian) from Missa Ave Regina,
Tomás Luis de Victoria, Spain, 1548-1611)
Soloists: Deborah Rentz Moore, Anne Azéma,
under the direction of Richard Webster

Here at Camerata, our deepest wish in this period of profound American upheaval is that we may come together as one nation, in a spirit of renewal and love. We are committed to such growth and positive change.

We offer this short video from a 2015 concert performance dedicated to music heard by diverse peoples of the New World. We begin with a Gregorian chant, an Agnus Dei, imploring for peace, sung by Deborah Rentz Moore and Les Fleurs des Caraïbes. The same words, “Dona Nobis Pacem,” set by the Spanish Renaissance composer Tomás Luís de Victoria, are next heard by Camerata, assisted by Les Fleurs des Caraïbes, Trinity Choristers, and Boston City Singers, with Richard Webster conducting.

May music help to heal us and point us to a better future!

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have pity on us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have pity on us.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

The Boston Camerata with Les Fleurs des Caraïbes,
Trinity Choristers, and Boston City Singers

A Voice for Justice

The Boston Camerata stands in solidarity with all victims of oppression and injustice, and most particularly with our fellow-American sisters and brothers of color

We draw inspiration, in these days of crisis for our country, from the prophecy of Daniel, speaking for his oppressed people, as he fearlessly faces a corrupt and evil ruler.

This eloquent, deeply-felt performance by Jordan Weatherston Pitts resonates so strongly within us. May it point us towards hope, and give us increased strength to work together for a just society.

Seattle, The Play of Daniel, January 18, 2020
The Boston Camerata and assisting artists,
directed by Anne Azéma

The Prophet Daniel, confronting the Evil Ruler, interprets the Handwriting on the Wall:

O King, I do not want your gifts. Your downfall is at hand.
Your father was cast down and you too, his son, are not yourself any less wicked.

MANE: Your reign is finished.

TECHEL: You have been weighed and found wanting.

PHARES: Your kingdom shall be given over to another.


#BlackLivesMatter #RacialEquality

During this moment of great stress and trial for our beloved nation, we at Camerata want to express our solidarity with all victims of oppression and injustice, and most particularly with our fellow-American brothers and sisters of color.

This Revolutionary song, “Free America,” inspired the theme of our most recent CD recording. The lyric you will hear speaks of resistance to tyranny, and in our opinion it is as contemporary and relevant as the day it was penned. Joel Frederiksen is the soloist.

Guard your rights, Americans!
Strasbourg 2019

Lift up your Hands, good People!
And swear with proud Disdain,
The Wretch that would enslave you,
Shall [lay] his Snares in vain;
And should [he summon] all [his] force,
We’ll meet them in Array,
And fight, and shout, and shout, and fight,
For [free] Americay!

Source: The American National Song Book (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1842). Text, after Joseph Warren (1741-1855), sung on The British Grenadiers