
Seeking Your Input

As Camerata plans its future, we are seeking your opinion on some vital questions.

In the confines of our home, most of us have experienced streaming music recently. Perhaps you have also enjoyed some of Camerata’s recent online moments, shared with our friends via our newsletter and social media.

So here is where we turn to you. If it should happen that concert venues, performance halls and churches, are not open to us for the 2020-2021 Boston Season, we are actively exploring the possibility of creating an online presence for you and others. We have prepared a short survey (3-4 minutes) to hear what you would like to see and hear from the Camerata in the months ahead.

Thank you very much for participating in this inquiry. When it’s complete, we will share the results with you.

Keep Music Alive!

Brett Donham


Leaders In Early Music Ponder The Future

“Because we are doing the music that we’re doing, we look backwards. The plague brought out the worst and best in people. So how best can we help now? What form will [our music take]?”

~ Anne Azéma

This article by Keith Powers features the thoughts of several leaders of Boston early music ensembles, including our own Artistic Director Anne Azéma as well as Kathleen Fay of the Boston Early Music Festival and Martin Pearlman of Boston Baroque, plus other perspectives from around the US.