
Memorial Day, 2021

Our offering on this day of remembrance is not, strictly speaking, a Boston Camerata production, nor is it even an early music experience — but it should be heard. In the late 1990s, Music Director Emeritus Joel Cohen recorded Kurt Weill’s powerful 1936 score for an American antiwar play, Johnny Johnson, for Erato Records. From that extraordinary recording, we excerpt the “Song of the Guns” for male chorus. Its elegiac text is most appropriate for this holiday. And we send wishes for peace, everywhere on our troubled planet.

‘Soldiers, soldiers, Sleep softly now beneath the sky!’: you will hear Camerata soloists John Fleagle, Donald Wilkinson and Richard Lalli, with the Otaré Pit Band directed by Joel Cohen. 

Streaming Extended by Popular Demand Through June 20th

Join Anne Azéma and Nigel North at the Lyman Estate, for a springtime celebration of early French music. Below, you can sample the musical pleasures and download the program book, all for free. And then we hope you’ll join us for the complete program, including tender love songs, rare and elegant solo lute pieces, and even a spicy, R-rated satire, all performed with verve by the most eminent artists in their field.

Ticketbuyers will receive an email containing the link directly after purchase.

Camerata Salutes Early Music Lovers

Sample the Best of the Boston Camerata’s Online 2020-21 Season

Join Anne Azéma and Nigel North at the Lyman Estate (Waltham, MA) for Songs to the Lute, a celebration of early French music, including tender love songs, rare and elegant solo lute pieces, and even a spicy, R-rated satire, all performed with verve by the most eminent artists in their field. This performance is streaming on-demand now through May 31.



We will soon reopen our Dido and Aeneas, enjoyed last fall by music lovers on four continents and in 30 US states, for on-demand streaming from June 7-20, 2021.

Produced under Anne Azéma’s direction in late 2020 under strict COVID mitigation protocols, our Dido stars Tahanee Aluwihare, Luke Scott, Camila Parias, and Jordan Weatherston Pitts, assisted by young professionals from Longy School of Music and backed by an all-star Baroque band. Its return is not to be missed!

Tickets for this event can be purchased with a $20 donation to the Camerata. As always, if you buy your ticket before the streaming period begins, you will receive the link via email on the first day of streaming. Please check your spam (and your Promotions folder, if you use that feature in Gmail) if you cannot find our email.

Songs to the Lute:
Streaming Now through May 31

Join Anne Azéma and Nigel North at the Lyman Estate, for a springtime celebration of early French music. Below, you can sample the musical pleasures and download the program book, all for free. And then we hope you’ll join us for the complete program, including tender love songs, rare and elegant solo lute pieces, and even a spicy, R-rated satire, all performed with verve by the most eminent artists in their field. And oh yes, a couple of very interesting behind-the-scenes interviews are included. Please get your ticket here, for unlimited viewing and listening until May 31.


Ticketbuyers will receive an email containing the link directly after purchase.