Special Performances

Special Performances

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have no special performances scheduled at this time.
Please stay tuned to our newsletter (subscribe here) and social media channels for up-to-date information.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Camerata as we navigate this difficult period and work for a brighter future in music.


A Comforting Promise:
Music Celebrating Donald Wilkinson

Donald Wilkinson
  Please join the Camerata and Friends for a concert to benefit the newly founded Donald R. Wilkinson Young Singers Fund. Thanks to the generosity of Katharina Radlberger, a reception will immediately follow the concert at 279 Nahant Road.
All donations will support the Fund and will include a ticket to the concert and reception, as well as a mention in the program at these levels:
Friend – $100
Patron – $250
Benefactor – $500+
Seating is limited to 75 people; minimum donation $100.

Contributions are tax-deductible. Please make checks payable to Town of Nahant with a note designating the donation for the Wilkinson Concert, and send by October 5th to:
Nahant Cultural Council
c/o Jim Walsh
33 High St
Nahant, MA 01908

or email nahantculturalcouncil@gmail.com to make a pledge and reserve tickets.

The Ellingwood Chapel @ Greenlawn Cemetery, 195 Nahant Rd, Nahant, MA
* show info
Donald Wilkinson
  Please join the Camerata and Friends for a concert to benefit the newly founded Donald R. Wilkinson Young Singers Fund.   close

Les Miracles de Notre-Dame

The emotions raised by the fire that devastated Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris, earlier this year, remind us of the profound cultural ties which exist between France and America.
To celebrate this common heritage, the Consulate General of France in Boston presents a concert of arias composed and first performed at Paris Notre Dame in the late 12th century, interpreted by the Boston Camerata Ensemble, together with the Choral Fellows of Harvard Memorial Church.
This concert will be introduced by a presentation of the current reconstruction efforts by Mr. Michel Picaud, President of the Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris. Prominent Harvard Professors will also share their views on the cultural and historic significance of Notre-Dame in Europe and America.

Harvard Memorial Church, One Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA
* show info
Under the direction of The Boston Camerata’s Artistic Director Anne Azéma, the performers include:
  • Camila Parias, soprano
  • Agnes Coakley, soprano
  • Anne Azéma, mezzo soprano
  • Deborah Rentz Moore, contralto
  • Michael Barrett, tenor
  • Craig Juricka, baritone
  • Lawson Daves, baritone
  • Luke Scott, bass-baritone
with the participation of The Choral Fellows of Harvard University, Edward E. Jones, Director.   close

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