What Is the Boston Camerata?
The Boston Camerata is America's preëminent early music ensemble.
Founded in 1954, Camerata has been under the direction of French-born
singer and scholar Anne Azéma since autumn, 2008.
Camerata's musical performances are well known for their blending of
spontaneity and emotional commitment with careful research and
scholarship. With its distinguished roster of singers and specialists
in early instruments, Camerata produces an intown concert series for
audiences in the Greater Boston area. The Boston Camerata also tours
regularly in the US and all over the world. These live performances
present vital, historically informed performances of European music of
the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque eras, and of early American
music, sacred and secular.
The Camerata's many LP and CD recordings, as well as its numerous media
appearances and educational projects, have brought its work to
audiences in every continent.
Please browse the links to the left to learn more about the Boston
Camerata, its musicians, history, and mission.
Our Mission Statement
"The Boston Camerata preserves and reawakens human memory as
expressed through the art of music.
It accomplishes this mission through live, historically informed,
professional performances of European music of the Medieval,
Renaissance and Baroque areas and early American music; through study
and research into musical sources of the past; through sound recordings
and media projects; and through community outreach and musical