A Meditative Moment for the Weekend

Photo by Peter Torpey

We invite you to take a minute (two-and-a-half, actually) to relax and listen to this sneak peek into last week’s recording session: a raw take of the sublime Por nos virgen Madre from the Cantigas de Santa María by King Alfonso el Sabio of Castile (1221-1284). Anne Azéma is the soloist, accompanied by Christa Patton on harp; the sound engineer is our own David Griesinger.

For us, Virgin Mother, pray to God, your Father, Son and friend.
Pray to God that he help us, Pray to Him, since He is your Son and friend, pray to Him, since He is your Son and friend.
Pray that he protect us because He is without fault, your Son and friend, since He is without fault, your Son and friend.
For us, Virgin Mother, pray to God, your Father, Son and friend.