The Boston Camerata announces auditions for singers and period instrumentalists with a strong interest in early music. We are especially looking for basses and baritones, but all are welcome. Auditions will be held in early November at a Cambridge-area venue TBA.
Live audition repertoire should include:
- a medieval piece (vernacular and/or Latin monody for singers)
- a Renaissance piece
- an American piece (folk song, shapenote, dance tune, etc.)
- a piece of your choosing
If medieval or American music is not appropriate for your instrument, you may substitute other pieces that best represent the range of your abilities.
Professionals, pre-professionals and advanced students welcome
How To Apply:
To be included, please send a CD/Sound file, biographical information and letter of motivation to: manager@bostoncamerata.org. If appropriate, we will contact you to arrange an appointment time.
Apply by:
October 30, 2015