Camerata Corps
Join the Camerata community! The Boston Camerata's concert and administrative volunteers, students, professionals, and other friends, help make it all possible. Our concert volunteers attend Boston Camerata concerts for free in exchange for their help with ushering and box office sales; and our administrative volunteers provide indispensable support for mailings and fundraising efforts.
Boston Camerata Volunteers at the June 7 Volunteer Appreciation Event
Students for The Boston Camerata
Learn arts management, hands on! This program offers many beneficial ways for students to get involved in an exciting field.. Our commitment levels are suited to the student’s goals and availability. Our internship program is intended for those students who can commit a full semester to working with the Boston Camerata office. Along with the Camerata administration the student will create a job description that best fits his/her experience and interest. Interns may be eligible for college credits. The Camerata accepts applications year-round.
Contact Us
for more information on Volunteering with the Camerata!