What Then is Love?
1. Sing a Song of Joy
2. Eliza Is the Fairest Queen
3. Honeysuckle
4. What Then Is Love Sings Coridon
5. What Then Is Love But Mourning
6. What Thing Is Love?
7. Galliard "Shall I Strive"
8. I Sigh, As Sure to Wear the Fruit
9. Sorrow, Come
10. Heigh-Ho Holiday
11. Shall I Sue
12. Breake Now My Heart and Dye
13. Woo Her and Win Her
14. Peaceful Western Wind
15. Sweet Philomel
16. I Care Not for These Ladies
17. Courante on "I Care Not for These Ladies"
18. Pretty Duck There Was
19. Witty Wanton
20. Faine Would I Wed
21. Mother, I Will Have a Husband
22. Now Hat Flora Robb'd Her Bow'rs
23. Move Now With Measured Sound
24. Rest, Sweet Nymphs
25. Sing We and Chant It