the CyberCentaur gave to me this incredible video about justice and devilry.
As the Boston Camerata sings and plays (from the CD “A Mediterranean Christmas“), some wayward genius on Youtube animates the Cantigas narrative with medieval imagery, most of it drawn from the Cantigas manuscripts themselves. And just to help you along, there are subtitles, in medieval Portugese…

Over a quarter of a million people have now seen some version of this shocking story on the internet. The Boston Camerata expresses its solidarity with frequent collaborator, and fine artist, Boujemaa Razgui.
“Before you whine about an airline temporarily losing your luggage, think of poor Boujemaa Razgui. The flute virtuoso who performs regularly with The Boston Camerata lost 13 handmade flutes over the holidays when a US Customs official at New York’s JFK Airport mistook the instruments for agricultural products…”