Celebrate our 60th season and discover what delights this brand-new production has in store.

The Ludus Danielis, or Play of Daniel, is a powerful medieval mystery play composed eight centuries ago in Beauvais, France. Under Anne Azéma’s direction (music and staging), our ambitious production will combine old and new, bringing together music and movement, theater and liturgy, light and shadow.



First rehearsals got underway last weekend in Strasbourg for the December Camerata tour. Our stellar vocal soloists — Azéma, Harley, and Rentz-Moore (plus instrumental virtuosi Lazarevitch and Ansorg) will be backed up by sixteen distaff chorists from Mission Voix Alsace. It promises to be a terrific, three-concert tour.

In our photo, Anne (with hurdy gurdy) rehearses with the choral ensemble, as the early-autumn light pours into the Foyer des Etudiantes Catholiques. If you haven’t visited Strasbourg and Alsace when the sun is out, you haven’t lived…Hopla!
