Three performances: Dec. 18, 19 and 20; get your tickets online!
An American Christmas
To celebrate our 60th Anniversary, the Camerata’s Christmas program features music from the early years of the American republic. Our program includes music from a wide range of early tune books and manuscripts, a generous selection of carols, New England anthems, Southern folk hymns and religious ballads for the season.
Anne Azéma, director mezzo-soprano
Camila Parias soprano
Deborah Rentz-Moore, contralto
Dan Hershey, tenor
Taylor Ward, baritone
Joel Frederiksen, bass, guitar
Jesse Lepkoff, flutes, guitar
Chris Belluscio, trumpet
Brian Kay, trombone
Steven Lundahl, trombone
Liza Malamut, trombone
Thanksgiving wishes from the singing birds…
“A feast for the senses…”
Fuse Concert Review:
“A feast for the senses…there was not a dull moment, nor one without beauty or drama….this Play of Daniel [is] one for the ages.”
Gorgeous scenes from last weekend
Bravo to the Boston Camerata and their gorgeous performance of the Play of Daniel this weekend at Trinity! Amazing voices, enthralling story, beautifully told in this sacred space (and hooray for our terrific Choristers who played a part too!)
Is there justice for the oppressed?
Boston Camerata celebrates 60 years
with freshly imagined ‘Daniel’
says The Boston Globe
Opening its 60th-anniversary season, the Boston Camerata returns to “The Play of Daniel,” a 13th-century work in some ways emblematic of the ensemble’s bold work.
We have been advised that our scan of yesterday’s Boston Globe review was in violation of that paper’s copyright — therefore, we have taken it down.
As of Monday morning, there was no trace of that review online, so we can’t supply you with a link, either. Just trust us, it was a rave, and our thanks go out to the reviewer, Harlow Robinson.
The Legal Centaur