…gushed the Boston Globe reviewer after he attended Camerata’s “Roman de Fauvel” concert at the Boston Early Music Festival. And who are we (says Fauvel, slyly, with just a hint of a whinny) to disagree?
Thanks to our wonderful Fauvel cast: Azéma, Collver, Barret, Cohen, Kammen, and Lundahl, and to our brave volunteers, and to tech wizard David Griesinger, for a riotous feast of imagery, medieval music, and horsey jokes. The audience responded to the mix with a standing ovation, and cheers, and whistles.
And now, out-of-Boston friends and presenters, why not invite Fauvel into your living room, stable, or concert hall? We guarantee to leave traces…
The full text of the review is here.
Our photo: Michael Collver delivers a lecture to the Junior League.